Title Izražaj kalpaina u moždanim strukturama osoba preminulih nakon traumatske ozljede mozga : doktorski rad
Author Marina Bralić
Mentor Valter Stemberga (mentor)
Committee member Gordana Župan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ino Husedžinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Župan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valter Stemberga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2012-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Cilj istraživanja
Cilj doktorskog rada bio je, u različitim moždanim strukturama (ipsilateralni
korteks, talamus i nukleus dentatus) osoba preminulih nakon traumatske ozljede
mozga (eng. traumatic brain injury, TBI), u različitim vremenskim razdobljima od
TBI do smrti: a) istražiti izražaj kalpaina, b) analizirati vrstu staničnih populacija
koje izražavaju kalpain, c) istražiti izražaj kaspaze-3 i postojanje kolokalizacije
kalpaina i kaspaze-3 te d) analizirati i usporediti izražaj kalpaina s obzirom na spol.
Ispitanici i metode
Studijom je obuhvaćeno 50 mozgova osoba ispitivane skupine koje su
preminule istog ili od prvog do desetog dana nakon TBI, u razdoblju od prosinca
2001. do prosinca 2010. godine, a nad kojima je izvršena sudsko-medicinska
obdukcija u Zavodu za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta
Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U istraživanje nisu uključene preminule osobe koje su
zaživotno preboljele cerebrovaskularni inzult, odnosno bolovale od bolesti
središnjeg živčanog sustava (uključujući degenerativne i ekspanzivne bolesti), te
šećerne bolesti tipa II. Kontrolna skupina uključuje uzorke 34 mozga osoba koje su
umrle prirodnom smrću uslijed naglog zatajenja rada srca, čiji mozak nije bio
zahvaćen traumatskom ozljedom, bolešću središnjeg živčanog sustava, odnosno
navedene osobe nisu bolovale od šećerne bolesti tipa II. Uzorci tkiva mozgova
kontrolne skupine usklađeni su s uzorcima tkiva mozgova ispitivane skupine po
dobi i spolu. Hemalaun-eozin bojenje korišteno je za analizu patohistoloških
promjena u istraživanim moždanim strukturama preminulih osoba kontrolne i
ispitivane skupine. Izražaj kalpaina i kaspaze-3 u neuronima, glija stanicama i
stanicama endotela istraživanih struktura mozga obje skupine analiziran je
imunohistokemijski. Statistička obrada podataka je provedena uz pomoć
statističkog programa Statistica 9.0
TBI uzrokuje značajno oštećenje moždanog parenhima koje je najizraženije
na mjestu kontuzijskog žarišta u korteksu. Znakovi oštećenja moždanog
parenhima javljaju se češće u osoba preminulih nakon TBI nego u osoba kontrolne
skupine. Pojačan izražaj kalpaina u neuronima, glija stanicama i stanicama
endotela zabilježen je u svim istraživanim moždanim strukturama osoba ispitivane
skupine (svi P<0,001). U svim moždanim strukturama izražaj kalpaina značajno se
mijenjao s obzirom na vremensko razdoblje proteklo od traume mozga do smrti, a
najveći izražaj zabilježen je u korteksu i nukleusu dentatusu treći, odnosno u
talamusu šesti dan nakon TBI. Korelacija između izražaja kalpaina određenog u
neuronima, glija stanicama i stanicama endotela korteksa i vremenskog razdoblja
proteklog od TBI do smrti je negativna (Spearman R rank koeficijent negativan) i
značajna (svi P<0,05). U preminulih osoba ispitivane skupine u svim istraživanim
moždanim regijama zabilježen je veći postotak kaspaza-3 pozitivnih stanica od
onog u osoba kontrolne skupine (svi P<0,001). Statističke analize pokazale su da
se postotak pozitivnih kaspaza-3 stanica značajno mijenja s obzirom na
vremensko razdoblje proteklo od traume mozga do smrti, a najveći postotak
pozitivnih stanica bilježi se u istraživanim regijama mozga prvi dan nakon TBI. U
korteksu osoba preminulih nakon TBI dokazana je značajna korelacija između
razine izražaja kalpaina i kaspaze-3 (P<0,001). Statistička analiza izražaja
kalpaina obzirom na spol u istraživanim moždanim strukturama preminulih osoba
ispitivane skupine pokazala je značajno veći izražaj kalpaina u korteksu žena u
odnosu na korteks muškarca (P=0,020). U talamusu i nukleusu dentatusu osoba
preminulih nakon TBI nije pronađena spolno ovisna razlika u razinama izražaja
kalpaina (oba P>0,05).
Izražaj kalpaina bilježi se u različitim vremenskim razdobljima od TBI do
smrti u svim istraživanim moždanim regijama. Postoje spolne razlike u izražaju
kalpaina. Izražaj kalpaina mogao bi poslužiti kao jedan od forenzičnih markera za
određivanje starosti ozljede mozga, u situacijama u kojima to nije poznato.
Abstract (english) Objectives
The purpose of this study was to examine: a) the expressions of calpain, b)
the types of the cell populations that express calpain, c) the expression of
caspase-3 and the possible colocalization of calpain and caspase-3, and d) to
analyze the potential sex-related differences in the calpain expressions in the
different regions of the brain (ipsilateral cortex, the thalamus and dentate nucleus)
in a people who died following traumatic brain injury (TBI), at different time points
following the brain trauma.
Patients and Methods
The study group included 50 brains of the persons who died the same day
or since the first to the tenth day after TBI, in the period since December 2001 to
December, 2011, and who underwent forensic medical autopsy at the Institute of
Forensic Medicine and Criminology, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka.
Exclusion criteria for the study were suffered cerebrovascular accident and
diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), including malignant or
degenerative disease of the CNS and type 2 diabetes. The control group
contained 34 samples of the persons’ brains who have died a natural death due to
sudden heart failure, and whose brains were not affected by TBI or the CNS
diseases. These people were not suffering from type 2 diabetes. Samples of the
brain tissue of the control group were aligned with the brain tissue samples from
the study group by age and sex. To analyze pathohistological changes in the brain
tissue Hemalaun-eosin staining was used. Expressions of calpain and caspase-3
in the brain parenchyma were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Statistical
analyses were performed by the program Statistica 9.0.
TBI induced significant damage of the cerebral parenchyma, especially at
the site of the contusion in the cortex. The signs of the brain damage occur more
frequently in the patients who died after TBI than in the control group. Increased
calpain expressions in neurons, glial cells and endothelial cells were detected in all
studied brain structures in the study group (all P <0.001). Calpain expression
changed over time elapsed since TBI in all brain regions with maximum activity
observed at day 3 post injury in the cortex and the nucleus dentatus and day 6
post inury in the thalamus. Correlations between the calpain expressions in all cell
populations in the cortex and the time periods between TBI and persons’ death
were negative (R Spearman rank coefficient is) and significant (all P<0.05). In the
study group, in all investigated brain regions increased, the percentages of the
caspase-3 positive cells were detected (all P <0.001). Statistical analysis showed
that the percentage of the caspase-3 positive cells was significantly changed
dependently on the time periods elapsed since TBI, and the highest values in all
investigated brain regions were recorded at day one after TBI. In the cortex, the
correlation between the calpain and caspase-3 expressions was positive that
means that increased calpain expression was followed by an increased number of
the caspase-3 positive cells. Only in the cortex this correlation was significant
(P<0.001). In the study group, the analysis of the calpain differences according to
sex showed significantly higher expression of calpain in the cortex of women than
men (P=0.020). Significant differences in the expressions of calpain regarding sex
were not observed in the thalamus and the nucleus dentatus (both P> 0.05).
Calpain expressions were detected in neurones, glial and endothelial cells
of different brain regions in the persons who died following TBI. Gender
differences in the calpain expression were recorded. Analysis of the calpain
expression could serve as a forensic marker for determining the age of the brain
injury in situations in which the time of its occurrence is unknown.
Oštećenje neurona
Postmortalne promjene
Traumatska ozljeda mozga
Keywords (english)
Neuronal Damage
Post-mortem Changes
Traumatic Brain Injury
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:668161
Promotion 2012
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1130130025
Type of resource Text
Extent 85 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-19 17:55:18