Sažetak | Živimo u svijetu globalnog poslovanja kojim upravlja nova ekonomija pod čijim
se utjecajem suvremeno društvo transformira u društvo usluga. Konkurentnost, a time i
uspješnost kompanije u novoj ekonomiji, sve više ovisi o nematerijalnim čimbenicima
kao što su kvaliteta, brzina, fleksibilnost, dizajn, imidž i posebno - informacije i znanje,
odnosno intelektualni kapital. Dakle, radi se o rastu i razvoju u kojem proizvodi sve više
sadrže intelektualnu komponentu, tranziciji iz gospodarstva obujma u gospodarstvo
znanja. Naime, u najrazvijenijim ekonomijama svijeta više od polovine BDP-a zasnovano
je na znanju. S tim u vezi, mijenja se i priroda konkurentske prednosti koja se ne mjeri
trenutnom pozicijom na tržištu, veličinom i moći tvrtke u prošlosti, već na uključivanju
znanja u sve aktivnosti u tvrtki, na kredibilitetu tvrtke i njezinoj mogućnosti da tržištu
prenese informaciju da ima najbolja rješenja. Dakle, konkurentska je prednost
posjedovati više boljih ideja (znanje i kreativnost) i izgraditi bolji imidž.
Pretpostavka uspješnog poslovanja danas je osvajanje i zadržavanje
kupca/potrošača, a s obzirom na jaku tržišnu utakmicu za to je nužna diferencijacija od
konkurenata. Razlikovna prednost u postojećim tržišnim uvjetima najuspješnije se može
ostvariti diferencijacijom korporativnog imidža. Naime, u suvremenim tržišnim uvjetima
konkurencija se sve više prenosi na necjenovne elemente ponude koje je teško imitirati.
Jedina stvar koju konkurenti ne mogu imitirati je dobro osmišljen korporativni imidž.
Stoga, pozicioniranost imidža postaje vrlo važan indikator konkurentnosti.
Zbog specifičnosti usluga, ponašanje kupaca i modeli donošenja odluka o kupnji u
sektoru usluga razlikuju se od onih u sektoru proizvoda. Naime, kupac kupuje usluge od
one kompanije koja nudi najveću isporučenu vrijednost, a nju u znatnoj mjeri određuje
korporativni imidž. O stvorenoj percepciji imidža kompanije ovisi koju će kompaniju
kupac izabrati, kao i lojalnost izabranoj kompaniji. Stoga, svaka uslužna kompanija treba
težiti stvaranju razlikovnih prednosti u odnosu na konkurenciju i izgradnji željene
reputacije kao instrumenta jačanja konkurentske pozicije, a time i opstanaka i razvoja u
uvjetima jake tržišne utakmice.
Najvažniji izvor i generator unapređenja korporativnog imidža je intelektualni
kapital kojim kompanija raspolaže. Stoga, menadžeri moraju upravljati intelektualnim
kapitalom tvrtke, kao i svim čimbenicima koji utječu na njegov nastanak. S tim u vezi,
vrlo je važno razviti i primijeniti djelotvoran model upravljanja intelektualnim kapitalom.
Model unapređenja korporativnog imidža uslužnih djelatnosti temeljenog na
intelektualnom kapitalu, koji je predložen u ovom radu, zasniva se na usmjerenju na ljude
(zaposlenike), organizaciju i odnose. Njegovom primjenom ojačao bi imidž i porasla
globalna konkurentnost uslužnog sektora, a time i imidž i konkurentnost nacionalnog
Predloženi model unapređenja korporativnog imidža uslužnih djelatnosti
temeljenog na intelektualnom kapitalu univerzalni je temeljni model strategije imidža,
koji bi bio primjenjiv u svim uslužnim kompanijama (bez obzira na strukturu
vlasništva, vrstu djelatnosti, veličinu, tržišnu poziciju, fazu životnog ciklusa,
zahtjeve okoline, ciljeve i trenutni imidž, te bez obzira u kojoj zemlji posluje). Međutim, kakvi bi bili ekonomski
učinci predloženog modela nemoguće je izmjeriti i predvidjeti u kratkom roku jer je
izgradnja imidža dugotrajan proces. Stoga ostaje da se uz pomoć kompleksnijih
istraživanja odgovori na to pitanje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Our world is characterized by global business transactions governed by the new
economy which is making the modern society transform into a society of services. Owing
to the new economy, a Company competitiveness, and consequently its effectiveness
becomes increasingly dependent on non-material factors such as quality, speediness,
flexibility, design, image, and most of all - information and knowledge, i.e. intellectual
assets. What we are suggesting is that within the frame of such growth and development
we have been dealing with an ever more frequent presence of the intellectual component
in products, with a transition from the volume-based to the knowledge-based economy.
Namely, the leading world economies have more than one half of their GNP based on
knowledge. Hence the changes in the competitive advantage features which are not to be
measured by the present market position, size and historical power of a company, but
rather by an overall introduction of knowledge-based activities on a company level, its
credibility and ability to present the market with the information on best solutions it
offers. It may be concluded then that the competitive advantage means having more
progressive ideas (knowledge and creativity) and developing a more meaningful image.
Today, it is a presumption for a prosperous business operation to be able to
conquer and keep the customer/consumer and, having in mind the fierce market
competition, this requirement calls for a distinction from the competition. The distinctionbased
advantage in the actual market circumstances may be best achieved through the
differentiation of the corporate image. Namely, it has been more and more often felt in
modern market conditions that the competition is shifted to the supply non-price elements
which are hard to imitate. One thing that cannot be imitated by the competition is a
meaningful corporate image. Image positioning thus becomes a very significant
competition indicator.
Owing to specific features of services, customers' behaviour and decision-making
patterns involving the act of buying within the service industry sector are different from
those in the product sector. Namely, a customer buys services from the company
supplying the largest delivery value, which is significantly determined by the corporate
image. It depends on the perception of the corporate image what company a customer
will chose and will remain loyal to. Therefore, it should be the objective of any service
supplier to strive for the development of distinctive advantages with respect to the
competition and for creation of the desired renown as their competitiveness strengthening
instruments and keystones supporting their survival and progress in the circumstances of
fierce market competition.
The most important source and generator of the corporate image development are
certainly the intellectual assets available within a company. Managers are therefore
required to manage the company intellectual assets as well as any related factors affecting
their creation. In this accordance, to develop and implement an efficient intellectual
assets management system is a very important requirement.
The service industry corporate image upgrading model based on intellectual
assets, as suggested in this paper, has been focused on human resources, organisation and
relations. Its implementation would enable not only strengthening of the company image
and growth in the service industry global competitiveness but also, as a consequence, of
the national economy image and competitiveness as well. The suggested service industry corporate image upgrading model based on
intellectual assets represents a universal image strategy basic model, intended for
implementation in service supplying companies of any type whatsoever (regardless of
their ownership structure, type of activity, size, market position, life span stage, external
requirements, targets and actual image, as well as the country of business). However, the
proposed model economical effects cannot be measured or estimated on a short-term
scale, the image building process being a long one. At this stage, we should leave it to
more complex further studies to find the answer to this question. |