Sažetak | Cilj ovog doktorskog rada je procjeniti stanicama posredovanu imunost temeljem istraživanja prisutnosti, raspodjele i citotoksičnog potencijala posredovanog apoptotičkom molekulom granulizina izraženoj u limfocitima periferne krvi bolesnika s akutnim infarktom miokarda. Ispitanici, materijal i metode: U istraživanje su bili uključeni bolesnici s akutnim infarktom miokarda sa ST elevacijom (STEMI) kojima je u činjena primarna perkutana koronarna intervencija uz nastavak medikamentne terapije, bolesnici s akutnim infarktom miokarda bez ST elevacije(NSTEMI) koji su liječeni medikamentnom terapijom prema smjernicama Europskog kardiološkog društva. Obje skupine bolesnika bile su uključene u program rane stacionarne medicinske rehabilitacije. Zdravi ispitanici regrutirani tijekom rutinskih kardioloških pregleda predstavljali su kontrolnu skupinu. Prvog, 7-og, 14-og, 21-og i 28-og dana nakon akutnog koronarnog zbivanja svakom bolesniku uzimali smo 10-16 ml venske krvi za imunološka i biokemijska istraživanja. Mononuklearne stanice periferne krvi izdvojili smo centrifugiranjem na gradijentu gustoće, te neposrednim dvostrukim obilježavanjem površinskih biljega CD3 i CD56 i unutarstaničnog biljega granulizina metodom indirektne imunofluorescencije analizirali njihov fenotip protočnom citometrijom. Imunocitokemijom smo prikazali granulizin u limfocitima periferne krvi. Metodom imunohistologije smo obilježavali antigene CD3, CD56, granulizin, APAF-1(od engl. Apoptotic Protease Activating Factor 1) i MHC molekule razreda I u parafinskim rezovima miokarda bolesnika umrlih u prvom i petom tjednu nakon akutnog koronarnog zbivanja, te bolesnika umrlih od bolesti koje primarno nisu zahva ćale miokard. Citotoksičnost stanica NK (nekroza i apoptoza)prema K-562 ciljevima tijekom dugotrajnog (18-satnog) testa citotoksičnosti ispitivali smo protočnom citometrijom uz pomoć PKH26 testa i aneksina V u prisustvu samo medija, te neutralizirajućih protutijela usmjerenih prema perforinu i/ili granulizinu. Ispitanicima smo bilježili dob, spol, naviku pušenja cigareta, te ispitivali kompletnu krvnu sliku i laboratorijske biokemijske parametre. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da granulizinom posredovana apoptoza bar djelomično sudjeluje u oštećenju miokarda tijekom i neposredno nakon akutnog koronarnog zbivanja, ali molekula granulizina može doprinositi rezoluciji leukocita i upalnog odgovora nastalog tijekom endogene ishemijske pro-upalne reakcije u miokardu zahvaćenom infarktom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of this doctor thesis is to evaluate cell-mediated immunity of patients
with acute myocardial infarction based on investigation of the presence and distribution of
apoptotic molecule granulysin in peripheral blood lymphocytes, as well as estimation of their
cytotoxic potential.
Patients, material and methods: Patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation
(STEMI), who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention with continued drug
treatment and patients with acute myocardial infarction without ST elevation (NSTEMI), who
were treated with drug therapy according to the guidelines of the European Society of
Cardiology were included in the investigation. Both groups of patients were involved in the
program of early stationary medical rehabilitation. Healthy subjects, which were recruited
during routine cardiac’s examination representd the control group. On days 1, 7, 14, 21 and on
day 28 after the acute coronary event 10-16 ml of venous blood were taken from the patients
for immunological and biochemical analyses. Mononuclear cells from peripheral blood were
separated by centrifugation on a density gradient. Their phenotype was analysed by flow
cytometry. Direct double-labeling of surface CD3 and CD56 markers was aplied in the
combination with intracellular granulysin labeling by indirect immunofluorescence.
Immunocytochemistry was used to visualize granulysin in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Immunohistology was implemented for detection of CD3 and CD56 antigens, granulysin,
apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF-1) and MHC class I molecules in paraffin
embedded myocardial tissue sections from patients who died in the first and the fifth week
after the acute coronary event, and from patients who died from non-cardiac causes. Flow
cytometry with PKH26 test and anexin V was applied to analyse long term (18 hours)
cytotoxicity (necrosis and apoptosis) of NK cells against K-562 targets in the presence of
medium only, neutralizing antibodies directed towards perforin and/or granulizin. Age,
gender, smoking habit, complete blood count and laboratory biochemical parameters (urea,
creatinine, Na+, K+, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), creatine
kinase (CK) and troponin I) were analysed in examinees. Ultrasound examination of the heart
was performed in examinees at the beginning and at the end of rehabilitation period.
Results: In patients with NSTEMI percentage of granulysin+ peripheral blood lymphocytes in
all subpopulations, including both subsets of NK cells (CD56+dim and CD56+bright) was
statistically significantly higher on days 1 and 7 after the acute coronary event when
compared with control group while their lowest frequency was on the 14th day after the acute
coronary event. In patients with STEMI percentage of granulysin+ lymphocytes including
both subsets of peripheral blood NK cells was almost negligible on days 7 and 14 after the
acute coronary event. Visualization of granulysin+ cells using immunocytochemistry in
peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with NSTEMI and STEMI was followed by the
mean fluorescence intensities (MFIs), which were calculated with flow cytometry. In healthy
subjects, peripheral blood NK cells in the 18-hour cytotoxicity assay spontaneously kill and
induced apoptosis of target K562 cells, mainly using perforin mechanism. In patients with
NSTEMI on days 7 and 28 after the acute coronary event the apoptosis of K 562 targets was
statistically significantly decreased in the presence of anti-perforin antibody, anti-granulysin
antibody or their combination, but without additive effect. In the same patients, the 14th day
after acute coronary events the killing was significantly reduced and apoptosis becomes
negligible due to the low frequency of granulizin+ NK cells. Increased percentage of
granulysin+ NK cells on days 21 and 28 led to the higher apoptosis of K 562 cells in direct
contact. In patients with STEMI apoptosis of K 562 targets was negligible on the 7th day due
to low frequency of granulysin+ NK cells and MFI. Apoptosis, which was observed on 14th
and on 21th day after the acute coronary event was only 1-10% and it could be removed with
the addition of anti-perforin and anti-granulysin antibodies with additive effect, although each
antibody itself did not cause statistically significant reduction. Expression of MHC class I
molecules was significantly decreased in the center of the infarct necrosis, but MHC class I
molecules were present in the area surrounding the necrosis and in the healthy myocardium.
In the leukocyte infiltration, there were relatively rare CD3+ and CD56+ cells that expressed
granulysin in paraffin embeded myocardium tissue sections from patients who died in the 1st
week after the acute coronary event. CD3+ cells, CD56+ cells and granulysin+ cells were
found in the vicinity of APAF-1+ cardiomyocytes, especially in areas with myocardial
infarction and leukocyte infiltration, in contrast to patients who died in the fifth week after
acute coronary event, where only APAF-1+ cells were present. Ultrasound examination
showed mild recovery of ejection fraction at the end of rehabilitation period, although it was
not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Granulysin mediated apoptosis is, at least partially, involved in myocardial
injury during and immediately after the acute coronary event, but granulysin could contribute
to the resolution of the leukocytes and inflammatory response generated during ischemic
endogenous pro-inflammatory response in the field of myocardial infarction |