Title Modeliranje sustava zaštite poduzeća u turizmu od gospodarskog kriminaliteta : doktorski rad
Title (english) Modelling of protection system of enterprises in tourism from economic crime
Author Milivoj Jelenski
Mentor Dragan Roller (mentor) MBZ: 108046
Committee member Dragan Roller (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 108046
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2012-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Turistička i ugostiteljska djelatnost je složena društveno-ekonomska pojava koja stalno kvantitativno i kvalitetno te eksponencijalno raste. Pruža zadovoljstvo mnogobrojnim korisnicima te donosi značajan financijski prihod sudionicima u pružanju različitih primarnih, sekundarnih i tercijarnih usluga. Taj izuzetno dinamičan ekonomski proces zahtijeva integralno upravljanje organizacijom i procesima koji se zbivaju tijekom odvijanja primarne turističke i ugostiteljske djelatnosti, ali ovise o
... More podupirajućim zdravstvenim, prometnim, infrastrukturarnim, sigurnosnim, kulturno-zabavnim i drugim srodnim djelatnostima. Poduzeća u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu tijekom dinamičkoga radnog procesa stalno su izložena nepoželjnim (i kriminalnim) eksternim, ali i internim zbivanjima koja ugrožavaju njihovu financijsku stabilnost pa i egzistenciju. U disertaciji "Modeliranje sustava zaštite poduzeća u turizmu od gospodarskog kriminaliteta" istraživana su ugrožavajuća, nepoželjna događanja uzrokovana kriminalnim napadima na tu osjetljivu gospodarsku djelatnost. Temeljem postavljenih hipoteza trasirani su istraživački instrumenti, sustav metoda pomoću kojih su identificirane konstante koje se pojavljuju u procesu djelovanja apstraktnog poduzeća u turizmu i sustav metoda pomoću kojih su otkrivene varijable ugrožavanja tehnološkog procesa poduzeća u ostvarivanju očekivanog planiranog profita. Teorijski su istraženi odnosi koji postoje na znanstvenoj razini ekonomskih, pravnih i socioloških znanosti, a zatim oni determiniraju realne odnose u aplikaciji tih doktrina u tehnološkom procesu rada turističkih tvrtki. Utvrđivanjem naravi poslovnih odnosa pronađeni su procesi koji ne doprinose profitabilnosti poduzeća, invertno škode egzistenciji poduzeća i podliježu nezakonitom prisvajanju. Prevladavanje nepoželjnih gospodarskih učinaka, primjenom proaktivnog modela zaštite, njeno prihvaćanje ravnopravnom menadžerskom komponentom integralnog sustava upravljanja poduzećem, utemeljenog na znanstvenim i empirijskim istraživanjima, imperativ je svakoga suvremenog poduzeća u turizmu, glede suvremenih dinamičkih zbivanja koja vladaju u globalnoj svjetskoj ekonomiji. Istražen je utjecaj gospodarskog kriminala na postojeći gospodarski sustav Hrvatske i njegovu vodeću gospodarsku djelatnost, turističku privredu. Stečene su empirijske spoznaje o postojanju kriminogenih zona u poduzećima za razvoj originalnog modela zaštite poduzeća (bussiness intelligence) sposobnog da se pravodobno suprotstavi svim kriminalnim pojavama u poslovanju turističke tvrtke. Less
Abstract (english) Tourism, hotel and restaurant activities are a complex socio-economic phenomenon that constantly grows exponentially and in quantity and quality. It provides satisfaction for numerous users and it brings a significant financial income to participants in offering various primary, secondary and tertiary activities. This extremely dynamic economic process demands integral management of organisation and processes which take place during the primary tourism, hotel and restaurant activities, but
... More they also depend upon supporting activities: health, transport, infrastructure, safety, cultural, entertaining and other related activities.
During the dynamic working process enterprises in tourism, hotels and restaurants are constantly exposed to undesirable (and criminal) external, but also internal incidents that undermine their financial stability and even existence.
Some of these endangering, undesirable incidents caused by criminal attacks on this susceptible economic activity are examined in the dissertation: "Modelling of protection system of enterprises in tourism from economic crime".
Based on the given hypotheses, investigative instruments are traced, method system by which constants are identified that appear in the acting process of an abstract enterprise in tourism as well as a method system by which the variables of endangering the technological process of enterprise in achieving the expected planned profit.
Relations that exist on the scientific level of the economic, legal and sociologic sciences are explored theoretically, and they determine relations in application of these doctrines in the technological working process of the tourist companies. When defining the nature of business relations, processes are found that do not contribute to profitability of the enterprise, inversely harm the enterprise existence and succumb to illegal appropriation.
Overcoming of the unwanted economic effects with the use of proactive model of protection, accepted by the equal managerial component of integral system of the enterprise management, based on scientific and empiric researches is an imperative of every modern enterprise in tourism, regarding contemporary dynamic processes in global world economy.
The effect of economic crime on the existing economic system in Croatia and on tourism as the leading economic activity is explored. Empiric knowledge is gained on the existence of criminogenic zones in enterprises for development of an original model of enterprise protection competent to confront timely to all criminal phenomena tourist enterprise business process. Less
Keywords (english)
system models
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:710454
Project Number: 204-0000000-3241 Title: Nove sigurnosne ugroze i kritična nacionalna infrastruktura Title: New Security Threats & Critical National Infrastructure Leader: Krunoslav Antoliš Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: MZOS Funding stream: ZP
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1130110068
Type of resource Text
Extent 195 str
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2017-01-19 18:35:08