Title Vanjska stabilizacija prsnog koša obuhvatnom svezom u politraumatiziranih bolesnika : doktorska disertacija
Author Aldo Ivančić
Mentor Hrvoje Štalekar (mentor)
Mentor Vesna Golubović (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Štalekar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Golubović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2009-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 617 - Surgery. Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Politraumatizirani bolesnici sa povredama prsnog koša zauzimaju značajan
postotak u broju bolesnika sa teškim oblicima povređivanja.
Njihovo liječenje obično je dugotrajno i kompleksno, a otežano je pojavnošću mnogobrojnih
komplikacija koje usporavaju njihov oporavak i ogrožavaju integritet bolesnika.
U smanjivanju broja komplikacija i uopće mortaliteta značajni su elementi dobar algoritam
liječenja, pravodobna i egzaktna dijagnostika, te adekvatan i brz pristup u
... More liječenju takovih
Ovaj rad ima za cilj ustvrditi vrijednost rane, otvorene, kirurške metode stabilizacije
nestabilnog prsnog koša u politraumatiziranih bolesnika, te njen utjecaj na brzinu oporavka i
općeg stanja politraumatiziranih bolesnika.
Isto tako, cilj ovog istraživanja je usporedba liječenja metodom vanjske stabilizacije, s
metodom liječenja unutrašnjom stabilizacijom, te ustvrditi eventualne prednosti liječenja
metodom vanjske stabilizacije, spram metode unutrašnje stabilizacije.
Ispitanici i metode: Rad se odnosi na retrogradnu analizu podataka dvije ispitane grupe
U prvoj grupi je 35 bolesnika, koji su liječeni poradi nestabiliteta prsne stijenke aktivnim
pristupom, odnosno vanjskom, kirurškom stabilizacijom.
Vremensko radozdoblje u kojem su izvršeni operacijski zahvati stabilizacije prsne stijenke jest
od početka godine 2002. do sredine 2006. godine.
Drugu grupu čini 50 bolesnika, koji su liječeni poradi nestabiliteta prsne stijenke
konzervativnim pristupom, odnosno unutrašnjom pneumatskom stabilizacijom uz pomoć
aparata za arteficijalnu ventilaciju.
Vremensko razdoblje u kojem su liječeni bolesnici iz druge grupe je od 1991. do kraja 2001.
Svi bolesnici iz obje grupe liječeni su u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja (JIL), te potom na odjelu
za torakovaskularnu kirurgiju i drugim odijelima Kirurške klinike KBC Rijeka.
U prikazu liječenih grupa opisane su i raspravljane značajke s obzirom na sastav grupa
bolesnika, oblik nestabiliteta prsne stijenke i manifestacije, pridružene povrede u sklopu slike
politraumatiziranog bolesnika, te kliničke okolnosti liječenja.
Rezultati: Usporedbom grupa tijekom boravka u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja i potom na
bolničkim odjelima, obzirom na dužinu boravka, pojavnost komplikacija i respiracijsku funkciju
uviđamo da su bolesnici liječeni metodom unutrašnje stabilizacije, značajnije duže boravili u
Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja, spram bolesnika liječenih operacijkim pristupom. U značajnije
većem broju bolesnika, u skupini liječenih unutrašnjom stabilizacijom notirane su raznolike
komplikacije, a posebice one, težeg oblika, koje imadu za posljedicu respiracijsku
insuficijenciju. U skupini liječenih metodom unutrašnje stabilizacije, aparatom za arteficijalnu
ventilaciju značajno je veći mortalitet tijekom boravka u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Bolesnici liječeni unutrašnjom pneumatskom potporom nakon otpusta iz Jedinice intenzivnog
liječenja, značajnije su duže boravili na nekom od bolničkih odjela i njihov oporavak je bio
dugotrajniji, za razliku od bolesnika iz skupine operiranih. Tijekom boravka na bolničkim
odjelima u značajnije većem broju bolesnika notirane su raznolike komplikacije u skupini
liječenih unutrašnjom stabilizacijom, a isto tako u toj skupini, evidentirano je značajno više
komplikacija koje su imale upliva na respiracijsku funkciju bolesnika. Po završetku
rehabilitacijskog programa u većeg broja bolesnika iz skupine liječenih aparatom za
arteficijalno disanje evidentirana je značajna respiracijska insuficijencija pri naporu.
Tijekom boravka na bolničkim odjelima nije bilo smrtnih ishoda u bolenika u obje skupine.
Zaključak: Pristup u liječenju politraumatiziranog bolesnika s pridruženim nestabilitetom
prsne stijenke je interdisciplinaran i vrši se promptnim dijagnostičlim procedurama u korelaciji
s aktivnim intenzivističkim postupkom, te aktivnim učešćem kirurških struka.
Liječenje bolesnika sa nestabilitetom prsne stijenke koji su respiracijski ugroženi u
današnje vrijeme je dvojako i vrši se tzv. «unutrašnjom stabilizacijom» aparatom za
arteficijalno disanje ili drugim načinom, vanjskom, kirurškom stabilizacijom operacijskim
Plućna kontuzija kao komorbidni faktor, izrazito je otežavajuća okolnost, koja ima značajan
utjecaj na brzinu opravka bolesnika, opće stanje i razvoj respiracijskih komplikacija.
Nakon korektno izvedenog zahvata vanjske stabilizacije prsne stijenke, bolesnici se
poslijeoperacijski u vrlo kratkom vremenskom periodu uspijevaju odvojiti od aparata za
arteficijalno disanje, a pojavnost kirurških komplikacija je zanemarivo mala.
Liječenje nestabiliteta prsne stijenke, metodom vanjske, kirurške stabilizacije je opće
prihvaćena metoda liječenja danas u svijetu, a obzirom na dužinu liječenja, brzinu oporavka i
razvoj komplikacija u tih bolesnika, liječenih našom modifikacijom ranije poznate kirurške
tehnike možemo ustvrditi da je ona sigurna i prihvatljiva za većinu bolesnika, te ima u dobro
indiciranih slučajeva i nepobitne prednosti, spram metode liječenja unutrašnjom stabilizacijom
aparatom za arteficijalno disanje. Less
Abstract (english) Study objective: Polytraumatized patients with injuries to the thorax constitute a significant
percentage of patients with severe types of injuries.
Their treatment is usually lengthy and complex, and is aggravated by the occurrence of
numerous complications that slow down their recovery and threaten their physical integrity.
There are significant factors in reducing the number of complications and overall mortality: a
good treatment algorithm, a timely and exact diagnosis, and an
... More adequate and rapid approach
toward treating these patients.
The objective of this study is to ascertain the value of an early, straightforward surgical
method for stabilizing an unstable thorax in polytraumatized patients, as well as its effect on
the speed of recovery and general status of polytraumatized patients.
Additionally, this study’s objective is to compare the external stabilization treatment method
with the internal stabilization treatment method, and to ascertain potential advantages of the
external stabilization treatment method as compared to the internal stabilization treatment
Participants and methods: The study concerns the retrospective analysis of the data from
two researched groups of patients.
In the first group, 35 patients were treated for an unstable chest wall using the active
approach (i.e. -- external surgical stabilization).
Surgical procedures to stabilize the chest wall were performed during a period of time from
the beginning of 2002 until the middle of 2006.
The second group includes 50 patients who were treated for an unstable chest wall using the
conservative approach (i.e. – internal pneumatic stabilization with mechanical ventilation).
Patients from the second group were treated during a period of time from 1991 until the end
of 2001.
All patients from both groups were treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and subsequently
in the Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery and in other departments of the KBC
Rijeka Surgical Clinic.
In the review of the treated groups, characteristics were described and discussed with regard
to the composition of the patient groups, the type of chest wall instability
and its presentation, related injuries within the framework of the picture of polytraumatized
patients, and the clinical circumstances of the treatment.
Results: In our comparison of the groups over the course of their stay in the Intensive Care
Unit and subsequently in hospital departments, we recognize that – given the length of stay,
occurrence of complications, and respiratory function – those patients treated with the internal
stabilization method stayed in the ICU for a significantly longer period of time compared to
those patients treated with the surgical approach. In the group treated with internal stabilization, complications were noted in a significantly
greater number of patients, particularly a severe form of complications that have respiratory
insufficiency as a sequela. Over the course of their stay in the Intensive Care Unit, mortality
was significantly higher in the group treated by means of the internal stabilization method with
mechanical ventilation.
Patients treated with internal pneumatic support after leaving the Intensive Care Unit stayed
in one of the hospital department for a significantly longer period of time in contrast to patients
from the group that was operated on. Their recovery was also lengthier. Over the course of
their stay in the hospital departments, various complications were noted in a significantly
greater number of patients in the group treated with internal stabilization. Furthermore,
significantly more complications with an effect on the respiratory function of these patients
were evident in this group. By the end of the rehabilitation program, significant respiratory
insufficiency with exertion was evident in a greater number of patients from the group treated
with mechanical ventilation.
There were no deaths in either group during their stay in the hospital departments.
Conclusion: The approach to treating polytraumatized patients with related chest wall
instability is interdisciplinary and is performed using prompt diagnostic procedures in
correlation with an intensively active process and with the active involvement of the surgical
In the present day, treatment of patients with chest wall instability whose respiration is
threatened is dichotomous; either it is done using so-called “internal stabilization” with
mechanical ventilation or it is done using the external surgical stabilization approach.
Pulmonary contusion as a comorbid factor is a particularly aggravated occurrence that has a
significant effect on the speed of patient recovery, their general status, and the development
of respiratory complications.
After proper execution of the procedure involving external stabilization of the chest wall,
patients succeed in weaning from mechanical ventilation in a very short period of time
postoperatively, and occurrence of surgical complications is negligible.
At the present time, the treatment of chest wall instability with external surgical stabilization is
the generally-accepted treatment method around the world today. Given the length of
treatment, speed of recovery, and development of complications in the patients treated using
our modification of earlier recognized surgical techniques, we can assert that it is safe and
acceptable for the majority of patients and also has irrefutable advantages in welldocumented
cases as compared with the internal stabilization treatment method with
mechanical ventilation Less
Nestabilni prsni koš
Unutrašnja stabilizacija
Vanjska stabilizacija
Keywords (english)
Unstable thorax
Internal stabilization
External stabilization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:407007
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1120414074
Type of resource Text
Extent 107 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Public note Slike se nalaze na kraju pohranjenog dokumenta, redoslijedom navođenja u tekstu.
Created on 2017-01-19 17:48:12