Title Strategijski pristup razvoju golfa u turizmu zemalja Europske unije i Republike Hrvatske : doktorski rad
Title (english) Strategic aproach to the development of golf in tourism in the countries in the European Union and the Republic Croatia
Author Tonći Jerak
Mentor Franjo Radišić (mentor)
Mentor Romina Alkier Radnić (komentor)
Committee member Slobodan Ivanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Franjo Radišić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Romina Alkier Radnić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 00000000001
Committee member Mato Bartoluci (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 00000000001
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2013-11-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 338.48 - Tourism
Abstract Sve naglašenija konkurencija na turistiĉkom trţištu iziskuje inoviranje turistiĉkih sadrţaja koji će dati destinaciji prepoznatljivost i izdvojiti je iz mnoštva. Imajući na umu sve prisutniji trend brige o vlastitom zdravlju kroz sportsku aktivnost, razumljivo je da turisti na turistiĉkom putovanju traţe sadrţaje koji će njihov boravak uĉiniti aktivnim. To dovodi i do oblikovanja posebnog segmenta turizma - sportskog turizma. Takav oblik turizma objedinjuje razliĉite oblike odmora, od onih opuštajućih i terapeutskih, do sportsko - natjecateljskih te ekstravagantnih, koji sadrţe aktivne i avanturistiĉke oblike s visokom razinom sportskih aktivnosti u koje se turisti ukljuĉuju.
U Europskoj uniji, posebice u visokorazvijenijim turistiĉkim zemljama u kojima je razvijena sportska infrastruktura i trend bavljenja sportskim aktivnostima ( 38% stanovništva bavi se sportom barem jedanput tjedno; u Republici Hrvatskoj 15% ), taj doprinos je znatno veći. Uz podizanje kvalitete odmorišnog turizma i oblikovanjem specifiĉnih oblika turizma u skladu s resursnom osnovom, Republika Hrvatska nastoji poboljšati svoju poziciju i postići konkurentsku prednost na turistiĉkom trţištu, što podrazumijeva i razvoj sportskog turizma, za koji Republika Hrvatska ima sve preduvjete. U takvoj orijentaciji razvoja posebno mjesto ima golf, koji se iz elitnog sporta razvija u sport pristupaĉan sve većem broju ljudi i postaje motivirajući ĉimbenik jednog segmenta turistiĉkog trţišta.
Svrha istraţivanja je prikazati sve vaţnije znaĉajke i fenomene turizma, sportskog turizma i golf turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz teorijska i praktiĉna saznanja produbljena primarnim istraţivanjem na terenu. Istraţivanja su pokazala da golf u turizmu moţe biti visokoprofitabilna aktivnost, ali to nije pravilo u svim sluĉajevima. Stoga se istraţivanje utjecaja relevantnih ĉimbenika u potencijalnim lokacijama golfa u turizmu u Republici Hrvatskoj nameće kao preduvjet planiranja razvoja golf turizma.
U kontekstu razvoja golfa u europskim zemljama te imajući na umu nedovoljno iskorišten potencijal Republike Hrvatske u segmentu sportskog turizma, u doktorskoj disertaciji se istraţuje vaţnost golfa u turizmu Republike Hrvatske. Nakon što je utvrĊeno stanje golfa te nuţnost razvoja kako bi se poboljšala konkurentska pozicija Republike Hrvatske na europskom i svjetskom trţištu te efikasnost izgradnje golf terena u potencijalnim golf destinacijama, daje se prijedlog strategije razvoja golf turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) Competition in the tourism market that is getting tighter requires innovation of tourism facilities in order to make a destination individually recognizabla. Keeping in mind the present trend of the own health care supported by sports activities, iti is logical that holidaymakers look for facilities that will make their stay more active. This leads to the creation of a special segment of tourism - sports tourism. This form of tourism combines different forms of rest, from relaxing and therapeutic to competitive and special ones, including active and adventurous forms with a high level of sports activities shared by tourists. In the European Union, particularly in the highly developed countries with equally developed sports infrastructure and sports activities ( 38% of the population is engaged in sports at least one a week; in Croatia 15% ), this contribution is significantly higher. In addition to improving the quality of holiday tourism and shaping specific forms of tourism in accordance with the resource base, Croatia is also trying to improve its position and achieve a competitive advantage in the tourism market through the development of sports tourism, which for the Republic of Croatia has all prerequisites. In this course of development a special position is taken by golf - from elite sport changing into a sport accessible to a higher number of people thus becoming a motivating factor of a segment of the tourism market.
The purpose of the research is to show all the important features and phenomena of tourism, sports tourism and golf torusim in Croatia, through theoretical and practical knowledge acquired by primary research in the field. Research has proved that golf tourism can be a highly profitable activity, but it is not the rule in all cases. Therefore, the study of the impact of relevant factors in the potential locations of golf tourism in Croatia is imposed as a prerequisite in planning the development of golf tourism. Regarding the context of golf development in European countries and having in mind the underutilized potential of the Croatian segment of sports tourism, this thesis explores the importance of golf in tourismof the Republic of Croatia. Having identified the position of golf anf the necessity of its development to enhance the competitive position of Croatia on the European and world market as well as the effectiveness of building golf courses in the potential golf destinations, the proposal for the development strategy of golf tourism in Croatia is given.
sportski turizam
strategija razvoja golf turizma
Keywords (english)
sports tourism
development strategy of golf tourism
development of golf in the European Union and the Republic of Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:000469
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 304 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-19 19:13:28